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A Lindsay Campbell Pop-Ed: We Can Do Better Than Adam Levine as Sexiest Man Alive

People magazine just named Adam Levine the Sexiest Man Alive for 2013. It's necessary to take the time to discuss this with you because A) I'm the only one on this site that probably cares given I'm the only female, and B) I’m not exactly sure People made the right choice.

Yes, Levine's got just about everything that qualifies him for the list. From the smile to the tattoos to the deep V's, Levine is worthy of the list but the cover? Meh. I think People may have overlooked some of the underdog gems that Hollywood has to offer these days. Who might I be talking about? Let's go over five of my faves …

John Krasinski
America first fell in love with Krasinski as we watched him fall in love with Pam Beesly from a small desk at Dunder Mifflin. So why do we love him so much? He's an Ivy League graduate and was even once a script intern on Late Night with Conan O'Brien. He's also quite a connected man. He's been friends with The Office co-star/producer/writer, BJ Novak since they were in Little League together, and his brother-in-law is Stanley Tucci. I could go on, but something tells me I don't have to.

Tim Riggins AKA Taylor Kitsch 
This is one Dillion Panther that needs more recognition in life. He’s so adored by fans that they've forgiven him for taking roles in Snakes on a Plane, Kyle XY and John Tucker Must Die. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I really think this only needs two words: YES PLEASE. Riggins forever.

Liam Hemsworth 
I'm fresh off The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, so this might be all that adrenaline talking, but Hemsworth is hot. Now that he's dropped that Miley Cyrus accessory and is showing up on red carpets in perfectly tailored suits, he's one to take home to mom and dad. Also, he has an accent and some mighty fine brothers to fall back on. Family issue, People?

Seth Meyers 
Whether co-hosting on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update or as the keynote speaker at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner (even Barack Obama loves the guy!), Meyers is always bringing his A-game with class and a smile. He truly can do no wrong. It's also worth mentioning that Meyers is going to be taking over Jimmy Fallon's place on Late Night, which we can all look forward to in February.

Will Arnett
I know, I know. I'm surprised I put the former Mr. Amy Poehler on the list too, but we just cannot deny his good looks. Regardless of which team I'm on (#TeamAmy), I have to acknowledge the fact that he's a damn good-looking guy. Arnett also seems to be a great dad to his two ginger nuggets, Archie and Abel. They're always spotted wearing matching Chucks around town.

So People, now that you have read this article (which I know you did), the ball is officially in your court. I've already narrowed down your 2014 selections. You're welcome.

Please note: Ron Swanson would be qualified for this list, but I'm assuming he would be embarrassed by the swarm of attention.
A Lindsay Campbell Pop-Ed: We Can Do Better Than Adam Levine as Sexiest Man Alive Reviewed by Unknown on 11/22/2013 Rating: 5

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