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Oscar the Grouch Meets Grumpy Cat

Oscar the Grouch has been around since 1969. Grumpy Cat has been around since last year. When it comes to who's the bigger grouch, there shouldn't be any competition, right?

The two grumpy icons stopped by the Mashable offices recently to settle the grouch-versus-grumpy debate. Geez, Muppets never stop by the Popculturology office, but that's probably because the Popculturology office is my living room.

Has any other children's TV show figured out the Internet like Sesame Street? For a show that's been around for decades, Sesame Street acts like it's been on the Internet its entire life.

Oscar the Grouch Meets Grumpy Cat Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/12/2013 Rating: 5

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