'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Faces Electro in Three New Posters
In traditional Spider-Man movie fashion, Sony is churning out posters for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. After a triple poster leaked at the beginning of December and revealed that Dane DeHaan's Harry Osborn would turn into the Green Goblin in the sequel, Sony has refocused its poster efforts on Jamie Foxx's Electro. On Monday, the studio released three new posters for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, spreading them out over Digital Spy, IGN and SciFiNow.
In a disappointing move, Sony has basically cobbled together new posters by moving elements of previous posters around in Photoshop. We've now seen the crouching Spider-Man over-the-shoulder look in three posters. The image of Electro Sony used in all three of these new posters was also in that original triple poster.
What happened to great posters like Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies got? That Spider-Man 2 "Sacrifice" poster is legendary.
In a disappointing move, Sony has basically cobbled together new posters by moving elements of previous posters around in Photoshop. We've now seen the crouching Spider-Man over-the-shoulder look in three posters. The image of Electro Sony used in all three of these new posters was also in that original triple poster.
What happened to great posters like Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies got? That Spider-Man 2 "Sacrifice" poster is legendary.
'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Faces Electro in Three New Posters
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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