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'Pan' Lead Cast: Peter Pan Origin Movie Signs Levi Miller

This entire time we've been bringing you news about Pan, Warner Bros.'s Peter Pan origin story, I had been envisioning the role of Peter Pan being played by someone who could pass for a young adult. That's the popular thing these days. I was wrong.

On Tuesday, The Hollywood Reporter broke the news that Levi Miller had been cast to play Peter. I can't seem to find out how old Miller is, but he looks pretty young.

Miller joins a cast that already has Garrett Hedlund playing Hook, Hugh Jackman playing Blackbeard and Rooney Mara playing Tiger Lily. Joe Wright is on board to direct.

Pan opens on July 17, 2015.
'Pan' Lead Cast: Peter Pan Origin Movie Signs Levi Miller Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 3/18/2014 Rating: 5

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