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FXX Will Air a 12-Day, 522-Episode 'The Simpsons' Marathon

When you pay $750 million for something, you're gonna wanna make sure you're getting your money's worth. That's exactly what FXX plans on doing with its cable syndication and on-demand rights to The Simpsons. After forking over three-quarters of a billion dollars to become the first and exclusive cable home for the long-running Fox animated series, FXX will launch its time with The Simpsons in August by airing every single episode.

In a row.

Yes, FXX is going to air all the episodes it has rights to, playing 522 straight episodes of The Simpsons over 12 days. I thought VH1 airing three straight seasons of Happy Endings was impressive, but this is something else.

"It will be the longest continuous marathon in the history of television," FX Networks Chief Executive Jon Landgraf said at an upfront presentation held Wednesday in New York, according to Variety.

In addition to cable rights, FX Networks also has on-demand rights to The Simpsons and will soon roll out an app for show.

So cable rights to The Simpsons are valued at $750 million and Lego got a ton of buzz by releasing a Simpsons house set and a series of Simpsons minifigures, but no one watches the show anymore? How does that work?
FXX Will Air a 12-Day, 522-Episode 'The Simpsons' Marathon Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/10/2014 Rating: 5

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