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7 New Images From 'The Simpsons' 'Brick Like Me' Lego Episode

Has there been a recent episode of The Simpsons more heavily promoted than "Brick Like Me," the upcoming Lego episode? In addition to the cover of TV Guide, several rounds of images from "Brick Like Me" have been released. Seven previously unseen images debuted on Wednesday, which we found through The Brick Fan.

The look of this episode has been growing on me. I haven't seen the molded-head versions of The Simpsons characters that can be found in the newly released series of minifigures, but Popculturology copy editor Tim Kuchman dropped my set in the mail on Tuesday. I should get them tomorrow, which will give me a better comparison of those minifigures versus how the characters look in "Brick Like Me."

"Brick Like Me" airs on May 4.

7 New Images From 'The Simpsons' 'Brick Like Me' Lego Episode Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/23/2014 Rating: 5

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