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Seth Rogen and Zac Efron Get Raunchy in 'Neighbors' Red-Band Trailer

Will Neighbors be the surprise comedy hit of the summer? The trailers for the upcoming Seth Rogen-versus-Zac Efron movie have looked good so far, especially considering Forgetting Sarah Marshall director Nicholas Stoller is behind Neighbors.

Universal Pictures released a new red-band trailer for Neighbors on Tuesday, and I'm going to warn you that you really shouldn't watch it at work. Unless you work at some kind of factory that makes sex toys. Then I guess you could probably watch whatever you want online then. Are there rules about what you can use the Internet for in that kind of workplace?

Anyways, Neighbors stars Rogen and Rose Byrne as a couple with a new baby who have to deal with a frat led by Efron and Dave Franco's characters that moves in next door. The movie opens on May 9.

Seth Rogen and Zac Efron Get Raunchy in 'Neighbors' Red-Band Trailer Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/08/2014 Rating: 5

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