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Zack Snyder to Direct 'Justice League' After 'Batman vs. Superman'

When it comes to its stable of superheroes, Warner Bros. is entrusting Zack Snyder with the entire franchise. In addition to directing Man of Steel and currently working on Batman vs. Superman, Snyder will also direct Justice League, Warner Bros.'s (hopeful) answer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and The Avengers.

The Wall Street Journal broke the news on Sunday, reporting that Snyder will once again be at the helm. WSJ also notes that Warner Bros. doesn't yet have a script or release date set for Justice League but a 2018 release date is likely. Besides Henry Cavill's Superman, Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, the Justice League roster is also up in the air.

Mr. Silverman would not comment on what other heroes might join Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in the movie. However the studio has recently been casting the role of Cyborg, a half-robotic hero who is expected to have a cameo in “Batman vs. Superman” and then appear in “Justice League.” Other DC heroes who have been in Justice League comic books include Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern.

The news that Snyder will direct Justice League isn't completely surprising. Warner Bros. seems to be happy with the work that he did on Man of Steel, and this announcement could be a sign that the studio is also liking what its seeing on Batman vs. Superman. That said, I was holding out hope that part of Affleck's deal to play Batman would have included the director's chair for Justice League. Snyder is cool, but Affleck is a Oscar-caliber director.

Batman vs. Superman, which WSJ does reference as the Man of Steel sequel's tentative title, is currently set to hit theaters on May 6, 2016 ... which is also the same day Marvel Studios plans to release Captain America 3. We still have to see how that game of chicken shakes out.
Zack Snyder to Direct 'Justice League' After 'Batman vs. Superman' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/27/2014 Rating: 5

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