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FIRST LOOK: Ben Affleck as Batman and New Batmobile Revealed

After teasing an upcoming look yesterday, Zack Snyder revealed his new version of Batman and the Batmobile.

Ben Affleck's version of the Batsuit is nowhere near as armored as Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale's Batsuit. This suit's ears are also the shortest we've seen in the movies too. As for the Batmobile, it looks like a more militaristic version of the classic Tim Burton Batmobile.

Now that we've seen Affleck in the Batsuit, what does everyone think? It's definitely a different take on Batman than what we've seen previously seen in the movies. It does, however, look a lot like Frank Miller's take on Batman in The Dark Knight Returns, which makes sense seeing as how Snyder announced Batman vs. Superman with a quote from Miller's graphic novel.

Batman vs. Superman opens on May 6, 2016.
FIRST LOOK: Ben Affleck as Batman and New Batmobile Revealed Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/13/2014 Rating: 5

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