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You'll Soon Be Able to Buy Your Own Dancing Baby Groot and Howard the Duck

After Guardians of the Galaxy introduced the world to a baby Groot dancing to the Jackson 5, everyone wanted to know how to get their hands on their own version. I know I definitely wanted to pick up a dancing baby Groot for my desk. Marvel Digital Media Executive Editorial Director Ryan Penagos revealed that soon everyone will be able to do just that.

Funko will release a Pop! bobblehead based on dancing baby Groot, making the company the first to do so. I'm still hoping for a version of dancing baby Groot similar to those dancing flowers that were popular in the 1990s, but this is still awesome.

Penagos also debuted a Howard the Duck Funko bobblehead on Monday. Pretty cool for a character that up until about a month ago was just the punchline of a joke about awful George Lucas movies.

You'll Soon Be Able to Buy Your Own Dancing Baby Groot and Howard the Duck Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 8/25/2014 Rating: 5

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