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Kate Winslet in Talks for STEVE JOBS Female Lead

Now that the Steve Jobs biopic has finally locked down its male lead, the movie has been going through potential actresses to stare alongside Michael Fassbender. We previously heard names like Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Chastain mentioned, and Natalie Portman passed on the role last month. Kate Winslet is now in negotiations for the role, Variety reported last week.

While both Portman and Winslet are Oscar winners, picturing Winslet in Steve Jobs completely changes how I pictured the role. Winslet now carries the air of an elder stateswomen when it comes to actresses — adding her to director Danny Boyle's biopic would only increase the film's prestige factor.

If Winslet signs on, she'll join Fassbender as Jobs, Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak and potentially Jeff Daniels as former Apple CEO John Sculley.

Steve Jobs doesn't have a release date yet.
Kate Winslet in Talks for STEVE JOBS Female Lead Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 12/23/2014 Rating: 5

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