Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale Set to Star in THE BIG SHORT Adaption
The last time Brad Pitt brought a Michael Lewis book to the big screen, it garnered six Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. We'll see if Pitt can find that magic again when his production company adapts Lewis' The Big Short.
Pitt will star in The Big Short alongside Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale, Variety reported on Tuesday. Anchorman director Adam McKay will write and helm The Big Short for Paramount and Pitt's Plan B. Here's what Amazon has to say about the New York Times bestseller:
Pitt will star in The Big Short alongside Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale, Variety reported on Tuesday. Anchorman director Adam McKay will write and helm The Big Short for Paramount and Pitt's Plan B. Here's what Amazon has to say about the New York Times bestseller:
The real story of the crash began in bizarre feeder markets where the sun doesn't shine and the SEC doesn't dare, or bother, to tread: the bond and real estate derivative markets where geeks invent impenetrable securities to profit from the misery of lower--and middle--class Americans who can't pay their debts. The smart people who understood what was or might be happening were paralyzed by hope and fear; in any case, they weren't talking.
Variety also reports that The Big Short will "likely feature several A-list actors who have similiar-sized roles, similar to the cast of Traffic or The Counselor."
Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale Set to Star in THE BIG SHORT Adaption
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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