REPORT: Disney Wants Chris Pratt for INDIANA JONES Reboot
When Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2013, they didn't just get Star Wars — they got Indiana Jones too. George Lucas' second-most famous franchise has been dormant since 2008's Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Disney wants to change that. And they reportedly want Chris Pratt along for the adventure.
Deadline reported on Tuesday that the studio is eyeing Pratt to play Indiana Jones himself, signaling that any future installments of that franchise will exist in a rebooted Indy universe. Yes, the chances of Shia LaBeouf starring in a movie as the son of Indiana Jones are gone.
It's amazing how Disney is at the center of so many of these major franchises now. They own Star Wars and are choosing to add new movies within the continuity of the original two trilogies, thus bringing back Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Meanwhile the studio also owns Indiana Jones, but is apparently ready to reset that franchise with Pratt. And it just so happens that Disney already has Pratt as the star of another one of its blockbuster hits, Guardians of the Galaxy.
Deadline notes that this development is still in the very early stages.
UPDATE: Variety's Justin Kroll was quick to throw water on this rumor.
On Pratt and INDY, no writer, no clue on Spielberg and Pratt has no idea is even in the mix.
— Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) January 27, 2015
While studio likes they also like other actors like Bradley Cooper and Chris Hemsworth aka the usual suspects.
— Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) January 27, 2015
REPORT: Disney Wants Chris Pratt for INDIANA JONES Reboot
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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