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Bill Murray + FDR + 'King's Speech' = Oscar?

When he's not shredding scripts to Ghostbusters sequels or making cameos in movies about zombie apocalypses, Bill Murray must be a huge fan of The King's Speech. That has to be the explanation for Hyde Park on Hudson, an upcoming film that stars Murray as President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The film is set during the 1939 visit to America by the United Kingdom's King George VI (who you know best as Colin Firth in The King's Speech) and Queen Elizabeth. Firth and Helena Bonham Carter do not reprise those roles though. (Sorry, Tim Burton didn't direct this movie.)

So we have Bill Murray in a film about a disabled president meeting with the king of England while the world is on the brink of World War II. Somebody wants an Oscar here.

Stay tuned for the post-credit scene where Jesse Eisenberg accidentally shoots a zombified FDR.
Bill Murray + FDR + 'King's Speech' = Oscar? Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/18/2012 Rating: 5

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