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Killing Move: CBS Moves 'Two and a Half Men' to Thursdays, Challenges NBC Comedy Block

CBS announced its fall schedule this morning, with the biggest change being the move of Two and a Half Men from Mondays to Thursdays. It will now follow The Big Bang Theory at 8:30 p.m.

Besides catching the occasional episode of Two and a Half Men in syndication, I don't watch the show. I even stopped watching The Big Bang Theory last season after growing tired of its predictable jokes and laugh track set-up. Just because I'm not watching either one of these shows, though, doesn't mean no one else is. Both The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men run ratings circles around NBC's comedies.

With an hour of The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men now on Thursday nights beginning at 8 p.m., NBC's slate of comedies is in huge trouble. It was bad enough that NBC sacrificed Community week after week against The Big Bang Theory. Now 30 Rock and Up All Night get to be the weekly sacrificial lambs. Maybe it's a good thing Community escaped from Thursdays.

After this move, NBC really needs to consider moving its comedy block from Thursdays to another day of the week. Yes, back in the day NBC owned Thursdays with Cheers, Seinfeld and Friends, but that was a long time ago. The network had a good run on Thursdays, but now it's time to be smart and regroup on another night.
Killing Move: CBS Moves 'Two and a Half Men' to Thursdays, Challenges NBC Comedy Block Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/16/2012 Rating: 5

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