Penelope Cruz and Her Sister Are in a Nintendo Commerical ... We're All Buying Nintendo 3DSs Now, Right?
Based on its latest ad, Nintendo would like you to be believe that Penelope Cruz and her equally-as-hot sister, Monica Cruz, lounge around their pool while playing New Super Mario Bros. 2 on their Nintendo 3DSs. Because that is completely realistic.
What's going on here, Nintendo? What's the market you're trying to attract here? If the Nintendo 3DS is aimed at kids, the Cruz sisters aren't going to draw them in. And if the console is aimed at adults who can be swayed by pretty girls in commercials, that group probably isn't planning on carrying a Nintendo 3DS around with them.
Look, I'm not rooting against Nintendo here. As a kid, I had a Game Boy Color and a Game Boy Advance, and in the days before the iPhone, you couldn't find a better handheld console than Nintendo's Game Boy. That's not how things are in today's world. Kids are growing up playing games on their phones or, more appropriately, their parents' phones since kids shouldn't have smartphones to begin with.
I just don't see Nintendo (or Sony or Microsoft) catching up with what Apple and Android are doing in the mobile gaming market. The day will come when Nintendo is going to have to start putting out iOS games if it wants to stay competitive.
Penelope Cruz and Her Sister Are in a Nintendo Commerical ... We're All Buying Nintendo 3DSs Now, Right?
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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