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Carla Gugino Joins 'New Girl' as Schmidt's S&M-Loving Boss, Rob Reiner and Jamie Lee Curtis as Jess' Parents

When it comes to guest stars, New Girl isn't messing around for its second season. It was revealed today that Carla Gugino will join the show as Emma, Schmidt's boss, and Rob Reiner and Jamie Lee Curtis will appear as Bob and Joan, Jess' parents. TVLine has the scoop on both casting announcements:
[Gugino will] play Schmidt’s boss, Emma, who’s a lady on the streets and a freak between the sheets. But Max Greenfield’s great romancer may want to pace himself — you’ll recall that his love life has been in a time-out while he’s had to wear a penis cast (which will be removed in the season premiere). 
Schmidt will sign a contract that binds him to Emma, the site reports, and they’ll have a relationship reminiscent of Fifty Shades of Grey.
We’ll meet Mom and Dad Day in the Thanksgiving episode, when Jess attempts to get her divorced folks to reunite, Parent Trap-style.
I love seeing Gugino in just about anything. You probably already know her from Sin City, Watchmen, Justified, Political Animals, maybe even Spy Kids. I don't understand how she doesn't have her own show at this point.

Reiner directed When Harry Met Sally ... and Few Good Men. You can't think about Curtis without thinking about the Halloween series ... and those Activia yogurt commercials.

As I've mentioned before, I'm really looking forward to the new season of New Girl. It started off slow its freshman season but became a must-watch comedy during its second half. New Girl returns to FOX on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. No word on Regis Philbin officially joining the cast yet ...
Carla Gugino Joins 'New Girl' as Schmidt's S&M-Loving Boss, Rob Reiner and Jamie Lee Curtis as Jess' Parents Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/14/2012 Rating: 5

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