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Channing Tatum Has Started Writing a 'Magic Mike' Sequel ... and He's Using Matthew McConaughey for Inspiration

I gotta be honest with you — I haven't seen Magic Mike. Despite telling myself it would be OK, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the theater and see it, purely due to the assumed stigma of being a guy stuck in a theater by himself while Channing Tatum played a stripper. I'll see it eventually and hopefully before Magic Mike 2 hits theaters.

The Magic Mike sequel doesn't have a release date yet, but Tatum is already working on the script, tweeting on Monday a photo of himself doing just that. There's also the added bonus that Tatum has a bust of Matthew McConaughey on his desk while he's writing.

If McConaughey wins an Oscar for Dallas Buyers Club, I can't wait to see Magic Mike 2 promoted as "Starring Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey."
Channing Tatum Has Started Writing a 'Magic Mike' Sequel ... and He's Using Matthew McConaughey for Inspiration Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/10/2014 Rating: 5

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