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Bob Saget Talks About the 'HIMYM' Finale in Reddit AMA

When How I Met Your Mother wrapped things up this past Monday, fans were left asking, "When does Josh Radnor turn into Bob Saget?" For nine seasons, Saget voiced the version of Ted Mosby telling the story in 2030, but when HIMYM finally got to that moment, Radnor narrated the story.

There had been chatter about a possible scene explaining how Ted's voice changed, but it was allegedly cut from the episode. According to Radnor, this may be a deleted scene that we see on the season's DVD release.

Saget held a Reddit Ask-Me-Anything on Friday afternoon, and without fail, someone brought up the HIMYM finale

"You're the man, real funny stuff," curry-in-hurry said. "How do you feel about the fact that Josh Radnor was still the older version of Ted on the series finale of HIMYM and not you? (I would have preferred to see you)."

"It felt appropriate to me," Saget said. "It's not the Matrix where Ted CGI's into a narrator of his voice that was done as a sweet way to tell his story from almost his conscience from the future of his own life. I went to the table reading of that hour episode with my oldest daughter, and we were touched and enjoyed how they weaved in and out to tie the show up in the way that felt write to them. Loveliest writing staff I've ever seen on a show due to Carter and Craig and beautiful Pam Fryman who asked me to do the narrator's part in the first place nine years ago."

Interesting that Saget didn't mention any scene being shot that would explain the transition. Of course, maybe he did shoot a scene but didn't feel like bringing it up since it didn't make it to air.
Bob Saget Talks About the 'HIMYM' Finale in Reddit AMA Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/04/2014 Rating: 5

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