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Charlotte McKinney Has a Cameo in JOE DIRT 2

Some people call Charlotte McKinney the next Kate Upton. We'll wait until McKinney scores back-to-back Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers before we bestow that title upon here. The rising supermodel will follow in Upton's footsteps and make the jump to movies, beginning with a role in Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser.

Yes, there's a Joe Dirt 2. I don't know who wanted that sequel, but it's happening. David Spade is coming back too, probably since he already spent his check from Grown Ups 2.

McKinney posted a picture of herself with Spade on Instagram on Monday, revealing her role in the Joe Dirt 2.

A photo posted by charlottemckinney (@charlottemckinney) on

Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser doesn't have a release date, but you'll probably be able to catch it in Redox machines nationwide soon.
Charlotte McKinney Has a Cameo in JOE DIRT 2 Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 12/08/2014 Rating: 5

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