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Marvel's DAREDEVIL Netflix Series Gets a Premiere Date and Poster

Marvel's upcoming Daredevil series got a premiere date on Wednesday, with the studio announcing that it will debut on Netflix on April 10. Marvel also unveiled the first poster for the limited series, releasing a poster that actually looks kind of similar to what we've seen for The CW's Flash series. I dunno, maybe not exactly the same — but close.

Daredevil will star Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil. This means we can finally stop making Ben Affleck jokes, right? The show will kick off an ambitious plan between Marvel and Netflix to release four series (Daredevil, AKA Jessica Jones starring Krysten Ritter, Luke Cage starring Mike Colter and Iron Fist) and a miniseries featuring the four characters together, The Defenders.
Marvel's DAREDEVIL Netflix Series Gets a Premiere Date and Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/08/2015 Rating: 5

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