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Insert Pun About 'Happy Endings' Not Finding a Happy Ending at USA Network Here

While Two and a Half Men gets to live for 100 years, it seems that Happy Endings won't get to live past three seasons. Despite once-optimistic reports that USA Network was going to pick up the genius comedy after ABC canceled it, Deadline reports says that those talks are over, with USA Network deciding against giving Happy Endings a second chance.
But three weeks later, I’ve learned that USA has opted not to proceed with the pickup. I hear the cable network’s brass loved the show creatively but its low ratings on ABC played a factor in the decision as it meant a large investment in marketing and promotion, money USA decided to spend on its home grown half-hour series.
Deadline goes on to say that someone like Amazon or Netflix could still rescue Happy Endings, and I've heard some rumblings involving TBS too, but I think we might have to start coping with the idea that Happy Endings, a show smarter, funnier and quicker than so many high-rated comedies, is over.

Now, because I'm petty and unable to let go of grudges, I need to know who we can blame. ABC obviously has blood on its hands here, sabotaging Happy Endings by constantly changing its schedule, putting it on hiatus and airing it out of order. Can we blame USA Network too? While the cable channel didn't cancel Happy Endings, it did get our hopes up that it would save the show only to then crush our dreams. As soon as someone can name me a show that airs on USA Network, I'll threaten to boycott that show.
Insert Pun About 'Happy Endings' Not Finding a Happy Ending at USA Network Here Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 6/03/2013 Rating: 5

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