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Gone Rogue: Anna Paquin Cut From 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Anna Paquin has been with the X-Men franchise from its beginning, but she won't be featured in X-Men: Days of Future Past, the upcoming film starring pretty much every mutant in the series. Entertainment Weekly reports that director Bryan Singer trimmed a scene featuring Paquin, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart and Shawn Ashmore, and it turns out that was the only scene that Paquin was in.

"Through the editing process, the sequence became extraneous," Singer told EW. "It’s a really good sequence and it will probably end up on the DVD so people can see it. But like many things in the editing process, it was an embarrassment of riches and it was just one of the things that had to go. Unfortunately, it was the one and only sequence Anna Paquin was in, the Rogue character was in. Even though she’s in the materials and part of the process of making the film, she won’t appear in it."

Paquin getting cut from X-Men: Days of Future Past is disappointing. It's been cool to see Singer reunite the cast of his original X-Men films, and it now feels like a big piece of those movies is missing.
Gone Rogue: Anna Paquin Cut From 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 12/21/2013 Rating: 5

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