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Hear Vin Diesel Say 'Groot' and Listen to Bradley Cooper Voice Rocket Raccoon in 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Promos

If you didn't know who the Guardians of the Galaxy were already, Marvel has begun the onslaught of promotion to makes sure you're familiar with the studio's next franchise before the movie hits on Aug. 1. While the awesome first trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy debuted on Tuesday, we didn't get to hear Bradley Cooper voice Rocket Raccoon or Vin Diesel voice Groot. Marvel (kind of) made up for those omissions on Thursday releasing promos to introduce Rocket and Groot.

In the Rocket clip, we actually get to hear Cooper voice the alien raccoon. (Yes, I know that Rocket's not actually a raccoon.) I'm not sure if that's what I expected. I mean, it's Bradley Cooper voicing a talking raccoon. Maybe I thought he'd use a voice or an accent. I'll get used to it.

As for the Groot promo, we don't actually get a clip of Groot speaking, which is surprising as he Diesel only has one line to repeat: "I am Groot." Instead, we just get Diesel saying Groot's name in conversation.

Hear Vin Diesel Say 'Groot' and Listen to Bradley Cooper Voice Rocket Raccoon in 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Promos Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 2/20/2014 Rating: 5

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