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The Ridiculous 'Jupiter Ascending' Gets a Trailer and Posters Featuring Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis

Say you made one really, really good movie. A movie that many people considered to be revolutionary. But then say you followed that movie up with dud after dud after dud, to the point where your name became synonymous with movies that would bomb. At that point, studios would stop giving you hundreds of millions of dollars to make movies, right?

Well, if you're the Wachowski siblings, I guess that's not the case. From the genius who brought you Cloud Atlas comes Jupiter Ascending, another film dripping with pseudo-intellectual mumbo jumbo and hacky plotlines all covered in an ADHD level of CGI.

The second trailer for Jupiter Ascending hit the Internet on Wednesday, and things aren't looking any better. While the first trailer gave me reasons to worry, this new trailer is worse. I've never been a big Eddie Redmayne fan, but watching him yell in various campy ways isn't helping me like him more.

Jupiter Ascending opens on July 18. It stars Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Redmayne and Sean Bean. Expect it to do well at next year's Razzies.

The Ridiculous 'Jupiter Ascending' Gets a Trailer and Posters Featuring Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 3/26/2014 Rating: 5

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