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Natalie Portman's 'Jane Got a Gun' Pushed Back to February 2015

Someday producer Natalie Portman's Jane Got a Gun will hit theaters. It just won't be on the Aug. 29, 2014, release date that The Weinstein Company announced back in November. On Friday, Relativity Media (The Weinstein Company's partner on the film) announced that Jane Got a Gun will now hit theaters on Nov. 20, 2015.

Jane Got a Gun has been plagued with issues since production began. On top of the film's original director, Lynne Ramsay, quitting on the first day of shooting, Jane Got a Gun has seen Michael Fassbender get replaced by Jude Law, who was then replaced by Bradley Cooper, who was then replaced by Ewan McGregor.

By putting Jane Got a Gun in 2015, The Weinstein Company and Relativity Media have put Portman's film in a very busy year. November is prime Oscar time, so perhaps the two studios have faith that Jane Got a Gun is going to be a critical hit.
Natalie Portman's 'Jane Got a Gun' Pushed Back to February 2015 Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/27/2014 Rating: 5

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