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New 'Star Wars Rebels' Short Pits Zeb Against the Imperials

For the headline of this Star Wars Rebels article, I wrote "Imperials." How cool is it that we're talking about Imperials again when discussing Star Wars? This is only the beginning too — Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars: Episode VII will both feature the Empire.

Lucasfilm released a new clip for Rebels, adding to the growing library of material we're seeing from the upcoming animated series before its October premiere. This clip features Zeb, a member of The Ghost crew whose look is based on one of Ralph McQuarrie's original concepts for Chewbacca.

From what I've heard, these Star Wars Rebels clips are standalone shorts created for promotional purposes, not actual clips from episodes. Star Wars Rebels premieres on Oct. 13.

New 'Star Wars Rebels' Short Pits Zeb Against the Imperials Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 8/25/2014 Rating: 5

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