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Director and Screenwriter Duo Behind 'The Heat' Is Rebooting 'Ghostbusters' as a Women-Led Film

When you want to reboot Ghostbusters, who you gonna call? The director and screenwriter behind The Heat! Yes, the people in charge of the movie with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 65 percent that continued the Melissa McCarthy-ization of Melissa McCarthy will led the charge when it comes to rebooting Ghostbusters with a team of women characters.

The Heat director Paul Feig took to Twitter on Wednesday to confirm the rumors that have been circulating since August that he was the man Sony wanted to breath new life into the Ghostbusters franchise.

Katie Dippold will write the Ghostbusters reboot. In addition to The Heat, Dippold has written episodes of Parks and Recreation.

The Heat was a harmless and even at times enjoyable movie, but it continued to turn McCarthy into a joke. Since her Oscar-nominated turn in Bridesmaids, McCarthy is no longer asked to play smart roles — she only asked to make a fool of herself and do pratfalls.

Is that what Feig's version of Ghostbusters has in store for us? Since rumors started that Feig was working on a female-led take on the franchise, the Internet has taken to Photoshopping pictures of the Bridesmaids cast — McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph — as Ghostbusters. Hopefully Sony and Feig are a bit more creative than that.

No word yet when the new Ghostbusters will hit theaters.
Director and Screenwriter Duo Behind 'The Heat' Is Rebooting 'Ghostbusters' as a Women-Led Film Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/08/2014 Rating: 5

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