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For the Ladies: Channing Tatum as a Male Stripper in 'Magic Mike'

While I often post articles about Brooklyn Decker or Kate Upton because I think they're talented individuals (who just also happen to very attractive women), I'd like to believe that The Bill Kuchman Chronicle has some readers who would like to see some pop culture moments that feature attractive members of the opposite sex. And, obviously, if I envision TBKC as something beyond a random, niche website running on testosterone, we gotta start branching out.

So, with that introduction, I give you the international trailer for Channing Tatum's upcoming movie, Magic Mike. After mastering the roles of a G.I. Joe and Jonah Hill's best friend, Tatum has turned his acting skills to a topic he's had first-hand experience with: Male strippers.

According to Wikipedia, Tatum actually worked at a nightclub as a stripper before getting his break in acting. In all seriousness, I'm having trouble reading this movie. Steven Soderbergh directed it, and Tatum was hilarious in 21 Jump Street.
For the Ladies: Channing Tatum as a Male Stripper in 'Magic Mike' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 5/18/2012 Rating: 5

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