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'Oz: The Great and Powerful' Debuts Four Character Posters

Based on the most recent commercial for Oz: The Great and Powerful, things don't look good for Disney and director Sam Raimi's attempt to create a new franchise based on the classic Wizard of Oz. Luckily, Disney still has the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars, just a couple simple franchises going for them that'll probably do decent business at the box office. Oz: The Great and Powerful though? Nothing looks promising about this movie.

Despite the disappointing trailers and commercials we've seen so far, people still seem to have a cautious interest in Oz: The Great and Powerful, probably due to the fact that pretty much everyone grew up seeing the original Wizard of Oz. In this case, The Wizard of Oz is the Corvette you grew up coveting and Oz: The Great and Powerful is the accident involving a Corvette that you pass by while driving 20 years later. You still want that Corvette, but now you're sad to see it wrecked.

If you're still interested in Oz: The Great and Powerful (and, let's be honest here — I'll probably see it opening weekend, so there's no shame in being interested), Disney released four new character posters for the movie, focusing on James Franco's Wizard, Rachel Weisz's Evanora, Mila Kunis' Theodora and Michelle Williams' Glinda. You can check them out after the jump.

'Oz: The Great and Powerful' Debuts Four Character Posters Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/26/2013 Rating: 5

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