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'HIMYM' Finale Alternate Ending Will Be Included on Complete Series DVD Collection

Big news, How I Met Your Mother fans. There's an alternative ending to HIMYM. It's "very different." And it will be included on the Complete Series DVD collection. Show co-creator Carter Bays revealed all of this through his Twitter account Friday night, thanking fans for their support too.

"How was everybody's week? First of all I want to say thank you for the lovely messages from everybody who loved the #HIMYMFinale. If you didn't like the finale, I guess that happens. We tried something and it didn't connect with you. I hope we're still friends. So anyway, here's a bit of news: 16 days ago today we were in the HIMYM edit room, trying to decide between two very different endings. We only shot one script, but through edit room magic we had two possible outcomes for the series. We chose the ending we chose and we stand by it. But we loved the other version too. We're going to include that version on the Complete Series DVD as an alternate finale to How I Met Your Mother."

So if they only shot one script but managed to create two "very different" endings through editing, how different could this alternative ending be? Based on that fan-made alternative ending we saw earlier in the week, it seems like the opportunity to deliver something radically different while using the same source material is possible.

The HIMYM Complete Series DVD collection doesn't have a release date yet, but we'll keep you posted.

'HIMYM' Finale Alternate Ending Will Be Included on Complete Series DVD Collection Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 4/04/2014 Rating: 5

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