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BOX OFFICE REPORT (SEPT. 5-7): 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Wins the Weekend Again

1. Guardians of the Galaxy (1st)
Weekend gross: $10.2 million / Total domestic gross: $294.6 million / 
Percent drop: 40.5
The box office's summer woes have continued into the first week of September. Guardians of the Galaxy won the weekend with just $10.2 million. While that's not good news for the overall health of the box office, that's good news for Guardians of the Galaxy. The film is less than $10 million away from breaking the $300 million barrier at the domestic box office and will become the fifth Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to accomplish that feat.

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2nd)
Weekend gross: $6.5 million / Total domestic gross: $174.6 million / 
Percent drop: 45.5
For the most part, the rest of the top five remained unchanged ... meaning Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stayed in second place.

3. If I Stay (3rd)
Weekend gross: $5.6 million / Total domestic gross: $39.7 million / 
Percent drop: 38.2
Yawn. If I Stay didn't go anywhere either.

4. Let's Be Cops (5th)
Weekend gross: $5.4 million / Total domestic gross: $66.6 million / 
Percent drop: 34.9
In a disappointing weekend, we can count Let's Be Cops as a success, right? The movie not only stuck around in the top five for the fourth straight weekend, but it actually moved up a spot to No. 4.

5. The November Man (6th)
Weekend gross: $4.2 million / Total domestic gross: $17.9 million / 
Percent drop: 46.9
The November Man is still a flop, but at least it bumped up into the top five this past weekend.

Next week's predictions
1. No Good Deed
2. Dolphin Tale 2
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5. Let's Be Cops

SOURCE: Box Office Mojo
BOX OFFICE REPORT (SEPT. 5-7): 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Wins the Weekend Again Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/07/2014 Rating: 5

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