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ANT-MAN First Look: Paul Rudd in His Superhero Suit and the Movie's Official Poster

Ant-Man has arrived. With the first trailer due Tuesday night, Marvel Studios debuted the first look at Paul Rudd in his Ant-Man costume and the movie's first official poster earlier in the day.

Rudd, who plays Scott Lang, is sporting a suit very, very close to what former Ant-Man director Edgar Wright had used in his concept shoot for the movie years ago on the cover of the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly. The issue isn't officially out yet, but when it hits stands, we should expect a deeper look at the movie.

The poster for Ant-Man continues to play up the "ant-sized" angle for the movie, following in the footsteps of the first teaser for the trailer that we saw last week.

Ant-Man opens on July 17.
ANT-MAN First Look: Paul Rudd in His Superhero Suit and the Movie's Official Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 1/06/2015 Rating: 5

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