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Disney Allegedly Offers Johnny Depp $95M to Make 'Pirates of the Caribbean 5'

The Sun is reporting that Johnny Depp is weighing a $95 million offer to make a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie. $95 million. To put that in perspective, Robert Downey Jr.'s deal for The Avengers will net him roughly $50 million, making the Depp offer (if it's true, and we're talking about The Sun, so it might not be true) almost double what Downey got for The Avengers.

While the Pirates of the Caribbean movies have progressively become less critically acclaimed, there's no arguing their power at the box office. These movies are huge not only domestically but also overseas, giving Disney incentive to keep making them. Even if Depp gets $95 million to star in a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the next installment will probably make Disney at least $1 billion internationally.
Disney Allegedly Offers Johnny Depp $95M to Make 'Pirates of the Caribbean 5' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 8/22/2012 Rating: 5

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