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TRAILER: Ted Mosby Romances Youngest Olsen Sister in 'Liberal Arts'

I've come to the conclusion that Ted Mosby is only a watered-down version of Josh Radnor, the actor who plays him on How I Met Your Mother. While Ted spends his time pining for marriage and reading Pablo Neruda poetry, Radnor spends his time writing and directing films like happythankyoumoreplease and Liberal Arts. His characters in these films wind up acting and sounding like different shades of Ted.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I love How I Met Your Mother, and while happythankyoumoreplease wasn't a stellar movie, it wasn't bad for Radnor's debut as a director. Liberal Arts appears to have potential, especially with Elizabeth Olsen starring opposite Radnor. If you haven't seen Olsen's performance in Martha Marcy May Marlene yet, do yourself a favor and add that film to your Netflix queue.

TRAILER: Ted Mosby Romances Youngest Olsen Sister in 'Liberal Arts' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 8/07/2012 Rating: 5

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