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TRAILER: Jackie Robinson Story Brought to Life with Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford in '42'

There are many famous baseball players, but there a few who impacted the game in such a way as Jackie Robinson did. Robinson broke the sport's color barrier in 1947, and his number — 42 — is now retired by every team in Major League Baseball. The man is, and remains, an icon.

While Robinson played himself in the 1950 film The Jackie Robinson Story, 2013 will bring a new film about Robinson's life to theaters. 42, directed by Brian Helgeland, is set for release on April 12, 2013. Chadwick Boseman will play Robinson, while Harrison Ford will portray Branch Rickey, the man responsible for signing Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers. Based on the newly released trailer for 42, Ford is going for slight Richard Nixon vibe with the voice he's using for Rickey.

Head past the jump to watch the first trailer for 42.

TRAILER: Jackie Robinson Story Brought to Life with Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford in '42' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/21/2012 Rating: 5

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