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TRAILER: Billy Crystal Is the Master of Inoffensive Humor, Airport Screener Jokes and Nut Shots in 'Parental Guidance'

I've learned that you can tell a lot about an audience in a movie theater based on their reactions to certain trailers. If an audience cheers when they realize they're watching a trailer for Man of Steel, you're with a bunch of comic book fans who are probably up on their pop culture. If an audience laughs like crazy when Billy Crystal makes a joke about the intrusiveness of airport security screenings, you're probably at a morning screening since if it's after 4 p.m., that audience is missing supper.

Parental Guidance embodies everything that Crystal is now. Harmless. Inoffensive. Stale. Just like Crystal's Oscar-hosting gig this past February, Parental Guidance is comedy that's past its sell-by date. Maybe this stuff would've been funny ten years ago, but it's not anymore. It's like when I saw Jerry Seinfeld live two years ago, and he was still making "What's the deal with email?" jokes. Crystal has been encased in humor bubble wrap and is unable to update his act for this decade.

If this kind of humor is your thing, check out the newest trailer for Parental Guidance after the jump. At least it has Marisa Tomei in it.

TRAILER: Billy Crystal Is the Master of Inoffensive Humor, Airport Screener Jokes and Nut Shots in 'Parental Guidance' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/20/2012 Rating: 5

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