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Jimmy Kimmel Reveals 'Worst Twerk Fail EVER' Viral Video Was a Hoax

That Worst Twerk Fail EVER video that went viral last week? Turns out it was a fake. On last night's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Jimmy Kimmel revealed that his show had created the video. Without any promotion on Kimmel's part, the video of a girl fiery twerking attempt quickly became the talk of the Internet.

News channels even began picking it up, using the video to warn of the dangers of twerking. Ha. This is what you get when you run YouTube videos as actual news. Kimmel got you, and you probably deserved it.

Head past the jump to check out the reveal from last night's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!.

Jimmy Kimmel Reveals 'Worst Twerk Fail EVER' Viral Video Was a Hoax Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/10/2013 Rating: 5

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