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'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' Debuts New iPhone 5S

On Monday, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and Apple unveiled the new iPhone 5S. Or, at least that's what Jimmy Fallon and crew wanted us to think. In a perfect demonstration of committing to a bit and selling it, Fallon and head writer AD Miles premiered and demonstrated an iPhone 5S ... that just happened to actually be a half a sub sandwich. For anyone who ever critiqued Fallon for breaking during Saturday Night Live sketches, here's your proof that he can make it through a skit without bursting into laughter.

The real iPhone 5S (or whatever Apple winds up calling it) will be unveiled on Tuesday at 1 p.m. ET. Head past the jump to check out the Late Night sketch. It'll make you eager to get a new iPhone ... and kind of hungry.

'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' Debuts New iPhone 5S Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 9/10/2013 Rating: 5

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