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'Anchorman 2' Promo: Ron Burgundy Fires a Staffer Over 'Doctor Who' Confusion

By the time Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues hits theaters, I would be shocked if someone managed to miss the massive marketing campaign reminding the world that Ron Burgundy is back. Will Ferrell has been appearing everywhere as the iconic newsman, from car commercials to Washington's Newseum to the cover of GQ. Ron Burgundy is kind of a big deal.

Anchorman 2 took advantage of the press Doctor Who was getting for its 50th anniversary special over the weekend, releasing a clip of Burgundy arguing with a GNN staffer over Doctor Who in a very Who's on First? kind of way.

This article is also my way of feeding an obsession with Doctor Who that I feel I'm going to become stricken with very soon. If I can pair some holiday vacation time with Doctor Who on Netflix, I could do some serious binge-watching damage.

'Anchorman 2' Promo: Ron Burgundy Fires a Staffer Over 'Doctor Who' Confusion Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/24/2013 Rating: 5

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