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Saoirse Ronan Won't Be in 'Star Wars: Episode VII'

Poor Saoirse Ronan. The actress seems to be one of the most popular names when it comes to guessing who'll be in upcoming big franchises, but she can't seem to land any of these parts. When describing the type of actress he was looking for to play the Scarlet Witch, The Avengers: Age of Ultron director Joss Whedon said he was looking for a Saoirse Ronan type. Ronan passed.

We recently learned that Ronan had auditioned for Star Wars: Episode VII, even getting to hold a prop lightsaber. (Well, I guess they're all props. We don't have a real lightsaber yet.) On Wednesday, the actress told IndieWire that she wouldn't be appearing in JJ Abrams' Star Wars movie.

"I don't have 'Star Wars.' I don't have the role," Ronan said, sounding kind of defeated. "I just shouldn't have said anything. I just auditioned for it, like everyone else did." When we asked about the audition process, she said, "To pretend that you have a lightsaber in a scene is always very exciting. It would be great. But it's something that everyone's gone up for."

It's interesting that Ronan says she "just shouldn't have said anything." Did her openness to talk about Episode VII lead to Lucasfilm and Disney decided to go in another direction? Abrams is a huge fan of keeping the secrets of his movies under wraps. I wouldn't be shocked if Ronan's sharing lost her the role.
Saoirse Ronan Won't Be in 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/07/2013 Rating: 5

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