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Welcome, Will Cleveland: 'Popculturology' Adds a New Columnist

Popculturology already announced the launch of Pop-Eds, columns focused on all kind of pop culture issues, this week, but we're not done improving the site. I'm proud to announce that Will Cleveland will be joining the site as a columnist. In addition to writing Pop-Eds, Will will also cover the music scene from time to time.

Check out Will's bio:

What kind of 20-something is obsessed with Jessica Fletcher? We know one. Will Cleveland is a devoted lover of Angela Lansbury as Jessica Fletcher. (Hashtag swoon.) Besides owning every season of Murder, She Wrote on double-sided DVD, Will also maintains a soft spot for Oprah, Eva Green, Lost, The Wire (Omar!), The X-Files, Jimmy Stewart, Anatomy of a Murder (still the best courtroom drama of all time) and Penelope Cruz. 
But before this gets awkward and creepy, Will should tell you (in the third person, no less) that he is a disciple of the Church of Diet Pepsi and Twizzlers. A self-described, self-loathing fauxhemian (as the word "hipster" is dead), Will enjoys sweaty dive bars with obscure bands, awkward dancing and cheap beer. 
You can follow him on Twitter at @ClevelandROC if you want to hear the reasons why he should be the guy who gets to take Selena Gomez home to his parents.

Will jumps right into things with his first Pop-Ed today.
Welcome, Will Cleveland: 'Popculturology' Adds a New Columnist Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/07/2013 Rating: 5

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