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TWO TRAILERS: Russell Crowe and Emma Watson Build an Ark in 'Noah'

On Thursday, Paramount Pictures released two trailers for director Darren Aronofsky's Noah. There are key differences between the American version and the British version, with the British version presenting Noah as a much more action-orientated movie. I'm pretty sure the American trailer doesn't have Russell Crowe throwing a spear.

As I mentioned earlier when talking about the Noah poster, this movie comes with a handful of concerns. Will it push an environmental angle too much? Will it connect with audiences? Who will get final cut of the film, Aronofsky or Paramount?

These trailers seem to focus on Noah's actual Ark building and the danger his family and project face at the hands of Ray Winstone's villain, which I don't quite remember from the Bible stories of Noah and the Ark. I guess it would make sense that people would want a spot on the Ark and would be willing to resort to violence to get on it.

Noah stars Crowe, Winstone, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Logan Lerman and Kevin Durand. The movie hits theaters on March 28, 2014.

TWO TRAILERS: Russell Crowe and Emma Watson Build an Ark in 'Noah' Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/14/2013 Rating: 5

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