Dylan O'Brien Says He's Not the New Spider-Man
The rumor going around that Dylan O'Brien has won the role of Spider-Man? The actor says there's no truth to them.
"Professionally, I haven't heard anything about it. I've only heard from, like, [rumors] online," O'Brien told Buzzfeed News. "It's so funny. My friends from New Jersey are calling me. They’re like, what are you not telling me, dude?! Spider-Man?!"
A Reddit users posted on Monday that the Teen Wolf star had been cast to play Spider-Man in Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios' reboot of the franchise. This user had previously accurately posted about the deal that those two studios were working on to bring Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, giving him some credibility on the issue.
Sony and Marvel are in the market for a new actor to play Spider-Man, intent on replacing Andrew Garfield to give the character a fresh start. Buzzfeed News, however, reports that O'Brien "hasn’t even auditioned for the role."
If Sony and Marvel came call, though, O'Brien would be ready to don the Spider-Man spandex.
"I’ve always wanted to play Peter Parker, obviously," the actor told Buzzfeed News. "I feel like any actor my age, that's, like, a big thing. And my name being tossed with Logan Lerman's is the coolest thing ever, too. I just think that kid is fucking fantastic."
Spider-Man will most likely make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in 2016's Captain America: Civil War. There's a chance we could see the character hinted at in an Avengers: Age of Ultron credits scene too. After his MCU debut, a new Spider-Man new solo film set to hit theaters on July 28, 2017.
"Professionally, I haven't heard anything about it. I've only heard from, like, [rumors] online," O'Brien told Buzzfeed News. "It's so funny. My friends from New Jersey are calling me. They’re like, what are you not telling me, dude?! Spider-Man?!"
A Reddit users posted on Monday that the Teen Wolf star had been cast to play Spider-Man in Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios' reboot of the franchise. This user had previously accurately posted about the deal that those two studios were working on to bring Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, giving him some credibility on the issue.
Sony and Marvel are in the market for a new actor to play Spider-Man, intent on replacing Andrew Garfield to give the character a fresh start. Buzzfeed News, however, reports that O'Brien "hasn’t even auditioned for the role."
If Sony and Marvel came call, though, O'Brien would be ready to don the Spider-Man spandex.
"I’ve always wanted to play Peter Parker, obviously," the actor told Buzzfeed News. "I feel like any actor my age, that's, like, a big thing. And my name being tossed with Logan Lerman's is the coolest thing ever, too. I just think that kid is fucking fantastic."
Spider-Man will most likely make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in 2016's Captain America: Civil War. There's a chance we could see the character hinted at in an Avengers: Age of Ultron credits scene too. After his MCU debut, a new Spider-Man new solo film set to hit theaters on July 28, 2017.
Dylan O'Brien Says He's Not the New Spider-Man
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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