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'Star Wars: Episode VII' Not Enough? Disney Announces New Trilogy, with Movies Every 2 to 3 Years

Disney isn't content with just imploding the Internet with the news that it's purchased Lucasfilm and plan to release Star Wars: Episode VII in 2015. In a conference call, Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed that his company would finally make that third Star Wars trilogy that George Lucas had teased years ago.

“Episode 7 will be released in 2015, the first under the Disney/Lucas banner,” he said, with Episode 8 and Episode 9 to follow. Disney plans to release a new Star Wars movie “every two to three years.”

OK, first off, just because Disney owns Star Wars now doesn't mean we're going to start using numbers instead of Roman numerals for the new movies. It's Star Wars: Episode VII, not Episode 7. There are rules here. Secondly, let's do this. If you don't want more Star Wars movies, just ignore them. The Prequel Trilogy already ruined your childhood or whatever. If they can keep making Twilight movies, we can have more Star Wars movies too.
'Star Wars: Episode VII' Not Enough? Disney Announces New Trilogy, with Movies Every 2 to 3 Years Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/30/2012 Rating: 5

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