TRAILER: Sean Penn Is Ready to Face Ryan Gosling's 'Gangster Squad'
In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shootings, Warner Bros. made the decision to remove a scene from Gangster Squad that showed gangsters opening fire in a theater. This move required reshoots and pushed the release of Gangster Squad from this fall to Jan. 11, 2012. With that date now getting closer, the studio released a new trailer for Gangster Squad. The movie stars Ryan Gosling, Josh Brolin, Emma Stone, Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Anthony Mackie and Michael Pena.
I normally can't stand Penn, but he looks good in this. I will have some trouble hearing the line, "You're talking to God, so you might as well swear to me," without picturing Christian Bale's Batman snarling it to a crooked cop hanging upside down.
TRAILER: Sean Penn Is Ready to Face Ryan Gosling's 'Gangster Squad'
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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