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'SNL' PROMOS: Jeremy Renner Meets Keenan Thompson at a Bar, Shows Off His Secret Agent Moves

NBC kicked off Wednesday by releasing a set of promos for Jeremy Renner's Saturday Night Live hosting debut. Renner teams up with Keenan Thompson and shows off his tough-guy skills, his inability to go shot for shot, his favorite costumes and his life as an undercover government agent. Renner had a busy 2012, with a starring role in The Avengers and The Bourne Legacy. Can he translate those experiences into a successful SNL hosting gig?

Check out Renner's SNL promos after the jump and judge for yourself.

'SNL' PROMOS: Jeremy Renner Meets Keenan Thompson at a Bar, Shows Off His Secret Agent Moves Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/14/2012 Rating: 5

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