TRAILER: Will 'Hercules: The Legend Begins' Be So Bad It's Good ... or Just So Bad It's Really Bad?
Oh wow. The first full trailer for Hercules: The Legend Begins hit the Internet on Sunday, and I can't tell if this movie is going to be so bad it's good or if it's going to be so bad it's just bad. "One man dared to follow his heart"? Yeah, because that's what the legend of Hercules is about. When the Disney animated version of the story your movie is trying to tell is more badass than your movie you've got a problem.
Whoever wrote the script for Hercules: The Legend Begins couldn't possibly have actually read any Greek mythology, instead opting to just watch 300, Gladiator and John Carter. Hercules as a gladiator? Whatever happened to the Twelve Labors?
Hey, Dwayne Johnson, rest easy — you've already won the battle of Hercules movies.
TRAILER: Will 'Hercules: The Legend Begins' Be So Bad It's Good ... or Just So Bad It's Really Bad?
Reviewed by Bill Kuchman

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