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Loki Asks: Who's a Better Superhero? 'Thor: The Dark World' Spoofs AT&T Commercials

Well, this wins the Internet for today. Whoever came up with the idea of Tom Hiddleston's Loki spoofing those AT&T taking-to-kids commercials deserves a raise.

Can we get Hiddleston to host Saturday Night Live? Give him the chance to face off against Beck Bennett, the guy in the actual AT&T commercials. Heck, why stop there? Can we get Loki his own movie, Marvel? Seriously. After Iron Man, Loki's probably the most popular character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Oh yeah, go see Thor: The Dark World this Friday.

Loki Asks: Who's a Better Superhero? 'Thor: The Dark World' Spoofs AT&T Commercials Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 11/05/2013 Rating: 5

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