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Bradley Cooper Is the Deadliest 'American Sniper' in New Trailer and Poster

Thanks to roles in Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle, Bradley Cooper has transformed himself from Hangover star to two-time Oscar nominee. Will Cooper continue that trend with American Sniper, his next film?

In American Sniper, Cooper plays Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in American history. Cooper has been attached to this film since Warner Bros. acquired rights to Kyle's autobiography. Steven Spielberg was originally on board to direct, but dropped out and was replaced by Clint Eastwood. Cooper's past two acclaimed films were directed by David O. Russell, and I really hope that Eastwood will be able to break out of his J. Edgar/Jersey Boys staleness with this movie.

The first trailer for American Sniper debuted on Thursday night. It's actually more of a scene from the movie than a typical trailer, which works out great when it comes to cramming a ton of tension into our first look at the film.

American Sniper opens on Dec. 25. It stars Cooper and Sienna Miller.

Bradley Cooper Is the Deadliest 'American Sniper' in New Trailer and Poster Reviewed by Bill Kuchman on 10/02/2014 Rating: 5

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